High Contrast


Milk Presents - Photo by Leo Skilbeck/Holly Revell
Watch & Listen | Photography

Take a look at the stand alone photography exhibitions made in response to some of our live theatre shows.

Milk Presents -


ASTERION is a series of images. Images of positivity, of bliss, of inner peace and of power.


In Greek mythology, Icarus, son of the inventor Daedalus, flies on wings of wax, looping in front of the sun. His wings melt and the myth cautions him/you not to fly too close.


This exhibition is about flying super close and loving it.


An antidote to, an ignoring of, a swearing at, a dancing in front of, a punch to, a commanding of dysphoria, exploring feelings of freedom, release, elation and tranquility.


The images feature trans-masculine and gender-nonconforming performers of BULLISH: Krishna Istha, Cairo Nevitt, Lucy Jane Parkinson, Amelia Stubberfield.


The exhibition was made under the close mentorship of Holly Revell. Holly and her work, including the David Hoyle Photo Book can be found here.


Photos by Leo J Skilbeck & Holly Revell

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